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Instruction under Satoru Tsuchiya Sensei

Aikido Seminar with Satoru Tsuchiya Sensei 6th Dan

Attending external seminars is an important activity for all club members as well as for coaches.  From a coaching perspective, it provides an important element of continuous development that is needed to maintain a high level of instruction.

We kicked off early in February by attending a specially organised week-end high-level Aikido Seminar in Margate, Kent, under the instruction of Satoru Tsuchiya Sensei, 6th Dan, head of Shodokan Aikido France. Tsuchiya Sensei is known for his powerful application and is one of the top Shodokan instructors in the world. 

As expected the event was booked-out, with other visiting sensei from Spain, France, Austria, Switzerland as well as from England. 
The two day event was run with military precision and the content at a high level, full focus was required at all times to absorb what was being taught. As the majority in attendace were dan grades it provided a great opportunity for practice at a high level too. 

In truth we came back tired and sore, but inspired and with new knowledge to be worked on and integrated into our training.

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martial arts Dublin Aikido