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Tandoku Undo /Tegatana Dosa

This series of basic hand/arm and body movements contain within them core sword principles of tegatana and are fundamental to all Tomiki Aikido technique.

Tegatana dosa (手刀動作)  incorporate key principles of seven sword cuts and comprise five sets of movements (each with a count from one to eight, four right side, four left). The first two sets are sword based atemi. The remaining sets contain within them key sword hand/arm and body movement principles that are to be found again and again in the koryu kata. Again the feet are moved with tsuki-ashi, or sliding steps remaining in contact with the floor, so as to retain good solid balance. 

Set 1:  Shomen no uchikomi,  Shomen no tsukikomi  
Set 2:  Kiri Kaeshi 
Set 3:  Maki Zuki 
Set 4:  Kesa Uchi 
Set 5:  Tenkai no Uchikomi, Tentai no Uchikomi 

Published on Oct 25, 2014 取:小中淳二, 監修:佐藤忠之 Tori:Junji Konaka, Supervised by Tadayuki Sato
 Produced by JAA, Educational Div., Committee on Instruction (JAA教育局指導委員会作成)


Published Apr 12, 2020 「形」の内容  Demonstration and commentary by Joe Adams, instructor at Shodokan Headquarters.

①正面打ち Shoumen Uchi
②正面の突き込み(正面下段からの突き)Shoumen no Tsukikomi
③切り返し Kirikaeshi
④巻き突き Makizuki
⑤袈裟打ち Kesa uchi
⑥転回の打ち込み Tenkai no Uchikomi
⑦転体の打ち込み Tentai no Uchikomi



Tandoku Undo in relation to sword cuts

Nariyama Shihan 9th Dan, Tegatana Dosa with bokken

Unsoku Undo*

Foot Movements

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martial arts Dublin Aikido