Tegatana dosa (手刀動作) incorporate key principles of seven sword cuts and comprise five sets of movements (each with a count from one to eight, four right side, four left). The first two sets are sword based atemi. The remaining sets contain within them key sword hand/arm and body movement principles that are to be found again and again in the koryu kata. Again the feet are moved with tsuki-ashi, or sliding steps remaining in contact with the floor, so as to retain good solid balance.
Set 1: Shomen no uchikomi, Shomen no tsukikomi
Set 2: Kiri Kaeshi
Set 3: Maki Zuki
Set 4: Kesa Uchi
Set 5: Tenkai no Uchikomi, Tentai no Uchikomi
Published Apr 12, 2020 「形」の内容 Demonstration and commentary by Joe Adams, instructor at Shodokan Headquarters.
①正面打ち Shoumen Uchi
②正面の突き込み(正面下段からの突き)Shoumen no Tsukikomi
③切り返し Kirikaeshi
④巻き突き Makizuki
⑤袈裟打ち Kesa uchi
⑥転回の打ち込み Tenkai no Uchikomi
⑦転体の打ち込み Tentai no Uchikomi
Nariyama Shihan 9th Dan, Tegatana Dosa with bokken
Foot Movements