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Helping your child make the most of their Aikido class

childrens martial arts classes dublin 

Children can live very hectic lives between going to school and participating in extracurricular activities such as Martial Arts, Football training, Gymnastics, etc.


Preparing for Aikido Class

  • REST: Ensuring they get enough sleep and rest is key, especially if they’re involved in other physical activities in addition to Aikido. Current research indicates between 8-10 hours of sleep every night for youngsters is a minimum requirement for metal and physical wellbeing as well as optimal performance.

  • ENERGY: Eating a light meal (high in protein and low in fat/carbs) between one hour to three hours before their Aikido class can help them feel energised, without feeling too full. It's not recommended that they eat a heavy meal before martial arts training as this will make them feel sluggish and there is always a chance that they may feel sick while perforing high intensity exercises on a full stomach.

  • HYDRATION: A small glass of water before training begins is a good habit to encourage and always pack a water bottle so they can stay hydrated during class and enjoy the experience to its fullest.

Children are always excited about activities they like and often get great benefit from discussing their class activities with parents and guardians. Asking them about their training goals before class can help frame their minds to learn as much as possible. If your child has a skill or technique that they need to work on, discussing this with them can increase their focus. New intentions can also be set ahead of each class. If your child is feeling down, reminding them that Aikido classes are also a lot of fun where they can play with new friends can help keep lift their mood. Once you and your child know what works well, setting up a pre-class routine can help them get ready for class, the same time, and every time and making it part of their routine schedule.

Post-Class Chat

While watching every class may not be possible, sitting in on some of them will help you monitor how your child is responding, what your child likes, what they dislike, as well as where they might be struggling. This is extra helpful for the child, especially when they’re nearing a grading test. Chatting to your child to see how they felt about class and what they learned can help you understand their progress better, while reinforcing key learning points. Discussion can also encourage them to demonstrate or practice a bit at home, with your support.

For older children, encouraging them to keep a small written log of their activities can be helpful, even if it is simply to help them remember the japanese names of Aikido techniques or dojo commands. The more involved you are the more interested they will be.

Finally, talk to the chief instructor every so often, to find out what they can work on, how you can help and to judge their general progress.

martial arts classes Dublin

martial arts Dublin Aikido